Organization Overview


International Society of Esports Medicine Chairman


From the late 20th century to the early 21st century, a new phenomenon called esports emerged. Esports began as video games for entertainment, and through technological innovations and continuous improvement, they enhanced their entertainment and competitive aspects, captivating many people and spreading worldwide. The development of esports has not only provided us with entertainment but also brought medical benefits, such as improving cognitive functions of the brain. Thanks to the scientific advances made by our predecessors, we now enjoy a longer life expectancy. However, at the same time, we face many new challenges in maintaining our health throughout our lives. As a new approach to addressing these challenges, we will continue to explore the effects of esports on brain function and their impact on our mental and physical well-being in pursuit of a healthy and long life. We sincerely appreciate your warm support and understanding.


In the field of psychiatry, there is accumulating knowledge about the effects of e-sports on mental health and cognitive function. In particular, the reduction of loneliness through communication with others via e-sports has been reported, and it has the potential to contribute to the well-being of many people in modern society where loneliness is a problem. We have revealed that older people with strong feelings of loneliness show a reduction in the volume of the hippocampus and thalamus, and we aim to further study the effect of e-sports on reducing loneliness and its impact on the brain. Through this society, we will work on disseminating such research, forming research networks, and promoting social implementation.

International Society of Esports Medicine Director